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What functions does SHOPLINE platform provide? Are there any customized services? What kind of promotions can I set for my customers?

We are committed to helping merchants to build an easy, simple, yet powerful DIY e-commerce platform. We have more than 600,000 users in Asia already. SHOPLINE provides a user-friendly management admin panel and tools that allow merchants to set up their professional and stylish online shops without the need to do programming and be able to manage orders more efficiently. This helps shop owners save time and resources and focus on developing quality products and building a good brand.

SHOPLINE integrates with multiple services, some of them are the most commonly used ones in Taiwan, Hong Kong and other Asian countries / cities. In addition, merchants can also add or remove delivery methods in the admin panel. You can also add your own custom delivery methods for your customers. For more details, please refer to our pricing page.

You can decide how to charge customers and set up payment method in admin panel. You can set SHOPLINE Payments, PayPal, credit card, Stripe, bank transfer and other payment methods according to the needs of the store. In addition, you can also customize payment methods such as pay-in-person etc. Please refer to our pricing plans for details.

You can set up a number of promotions including Free Shipping, Fixed Discount, Percentage Discount, Add-on Products , Birthday Credits , Shop Credits and many more in the "Sales & Promotions" column on the admin panel.

SHOPLINE membership modules allow you to set different levels of discounts or promotional offers for different membership tiers, along with store credits feature, which allows customers to earn or redeem credits for their next purchase.

Merchants could view their "Shop Analytics" from admin panel, including All Product Pageviews, Daily Revenue, Top 10 Product Pageviews, Top 10 Products Sold, Daily Number of New Orders/ Confirmed Orders/ Deliveries/ Returned Orders and Cancelled Orders etc. You can also do advance sales analysis by exporting customers information, order reports, product sales volumn reports and more.

We support advertising tracking tools and code installations of major ad platforms which helps you to understand and get full control over the effectiveness and conversion of the ads. This includes Google AdWords, Google Shopping Ads, Google Dynamic Search Ads, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Facebook, Facebook Dynamic Product Ads, Instagram, Bing Ads, Yahoo Native Ads and more. Setting up is super easy - just copy the code and paste it to the backend under "Tracker settings" session.

Our platform supports bulk products upload, membership transfer, domain relocation and other critical moving tools and services so you can easily transfer your existing website to SHOPLINE. Click the "Contact Us" bubble at the lower right hand corner in our website or backend to discuss further details with our customer success team. You can also schedule an appointment with our consultants to learn more about the differences between e-commerce platforms.

For merchants with special requests, SHOPLINE team will reach out to you to assess the feasibility and quotation of the application. We strongly recommend you to schedule an appointment with our consultant so we can have a deeper understanding of your situation and offer the best solution for you.

Developing new features and optimization of the system are always the ultimate missions of SHOPLINE. In the past year, we have launched loads of new features, including integration with SHOPLINE Payments, Apple Pay ( for Hong Kong ), Memberships, Dynamic Product Ads support, Express Checkout Page, and an improved checkout flow, to name a few. Whenever new features come out, merchants will get notifications through the backend of our store. Detailed introduction of new features and tutorials will also be updated to FAQs and our Blog.

SHOPLINE values the importance of social business. With Facebook Ads Extension (FAE), SHOPLINE integrates with Facebook Store, Facebook Messenger Order Status Updates and Dynamic Product Ads to complete your social commerce and eCommerce cycle! For details, please refer to the FAE webpage.

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