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Get to know more about, SHOPLINE, the company profile, the tools, the services, and how are we different from others

Founded in 2013 and accepted into the Silicon Valley-based 500 Startups accelerator in 2014. In 2017, SHOPLINE has become the first E-commerce platform that partners with Google in Greater China. Til now, with service locations in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Ho Chi Minh City, Shenzhen, and Kuala Lumpur. Today, SHOPLINE has helped over 600,000 merchants to build their brands online. As of 2019, SHOPLINE has helped merchants reach over 200 million customers.

SHOPLINE provides a full-featured platform that allows merchants to easily build their online shop and deliver a seamlessly omnichannel experience. SHOPLINE also has a team of Google ads and Facebook ads certified digital team to help merchants, plan and execute advertising campaigns, to drive brand awareness, traffic and conversions to their store. On top of that, SHOPLINE is a Google premier partner and a Meta Business Partner, we provide operational and business consultation services as a total solution provider to help drive merchant cross border business success.

For shops of different sizes and industries, there are different price plans to choose from according to your requirements and budget, making SHOPLINE your best platform to build your e-commerce store.

SHOPLINE's merchants cover various industries, including boutiques, digital electronic products, outdoor products, casual wear, groceries, household items, etc. Such as Durex, AGATHA, Bee Cheng Hiang Group, Studio A, and Fujitsu, to name a few.

SHOPLINE is Asia’s biggest smart commerce platform that empowers merchants to succeed everywhere. We provide a full-featured platform that allows merchants to easily build their online shop and deliver a seamlessly omni-channel experience. SHOPLINE’s key services include inventory and sales management, regional logistics, payment gateways, data analytics tools, storefront theme designs, local customer support, and everything you need to create a store. To date, SHOPLINE has helped over 600,000 merchants to open their online stores.

For any shop related questions, please click the dialogue window at the lower right corner in the admin panel, you will be able to chat with our experienced customer success team directly. We also provide free telephone consultation for direct inquiries. Please make an appointment here for a telephone consultation. We would love to meet you to talk about your plans. Free online set-up seminars are held regularly, for more details, please find the email address below to contact us.

SHOPLINE welcomes all forms of collaborations across industries. Please use the email below to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

SHOPLINE's service hour is Monday to Friday 10am-7pm. Our office is closed during weekends and holidays. If you leave your comments on admin panel, homepage or facebook page during weekends and holidays, we will get back to you on the next working day.

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Talk to our Customer Success Team!

Business hours
Monday to Friday 10AM to 7PM

Online customer service
Enter your message in the bottom right hand corner, talk to our online customer service team.